
Hans-Peter Dürr


It is not enough to know.

It is not enough to follow

the inward road conversing in secret.

It is not enough to see straight ahead,

to gaze at the unborn

thinking the silence belongs to you.

It is not enough to hear

even the tiniest edge of rain

You must go to the place

where everything waits,

there, when you finally rest,

even one word will do,

one word or the palm of your hand

turning outward

in the gesture of gift.

And now we are truly afraid

to find the great silence

asking so little.

One word, one word only.        David Whyte


Naturwissenschaft und Poesie

Begreifen und Spiegeln der Wirklichkeit


Hans-Peter Dürr

liest und kommentiert seine Auswahl
im Rahmen unserer Reihe
„Meine Lieblingsgedichte“ (VII)


Frauke Liesenborghs

(Global Challenges Network)


Donnerstag, den 25.11.1999
20:00 Uhr

IBZ - Internationales Begegnungszentrum

der Wissenschaft, Amalienstr. 38
(U3 / U6 Universität)


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